The participants in the Centre represent all the links of the supply chain, ranging from the production of cement, aggregates and concrete, via research, development, and consultancy, to contractors and owners.

Aalborg Portland A/S
Contact: Jesper Sand Damtoft
Rørdalsvej 44, Postbox 165
DK-9100 Aalborg
Unicon A/S
Contact: Freddie Larsen
Hjulmagervej 31, Postbox 710
DK-9100 Aalborg


Contact: Erik Stoklund Larsen
Parallelvej 15
DK-2800 Lyngby

MT Højgaard a/s

Contact: Svend Andreasen
Lystrupvej 50, Box 2131
DK-8240 Risskov

AB Sydsten

Contact: Lars Göran Nilsson
Stenyxegatan 7, Box 9115
S-200 39 Malmø

Danish Road Directorate

Contact: Jørn Lauridsen
Niels Juelsgade 13, Postbox 1569
DK-1020 København K

Technological Service Institute
Danish Technological Institute, Concrete Centre
Contact: Mette Glavind
Gregersensvej, Postbox 141
DK-2630 Taastrup

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Departments of Civil Engineering
Contact: Kristian Hertz
Bygning 118
DK-2800 Lyngby
Aalborg University (AaU)
Institute of Building Technology

Sohngaardsholmsvej 57
DK-9000 Aalborg