Green Concrete - a life cycle
Glavind, M., Danish Technological Institute, and Munch-Petersen, C., EMCON A/S,
published in proceedings from "Challenges of Concrete Construction, Dundee,
September, 2002.
Evaluation of Green Concrete Types, Glavind, Mette, and Jepsen, Marianne T., Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from XVIIIth Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Helsingør, June 12-14, 2002.
Overview of Danish Centre for Ressource Saving Concrete, Glavind, Mette, and Mathiesen, Dorthe, Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from XVIIIth Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Helsingør, June 12-14, 2002.
Mechanical properties for Green Concrete, Nielsen, Claus Vestergaard, Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from XVIIIth Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Helsingør, June 12-14, 2002.
Environmentally "Green" Concrete Structures, Edvardsen, C., COWI, and Tølløse, K., Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from FIB symposium "Concrete and Environment, Berlin, October 3-5, 2001.
Danish Centre for Green Concrete, Damtoft, J. S., Aalborg Portland A/S, Glavind, M., Danish Technological Institute, and Munch-Petersen, C., Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from CANMET Internatinal Symposium on Sustainable Development and Concrete, September 2001.
Green concrete – Sustainable design and maintenance of concrete structures, Edvardsen, Carola, COWI, published in proceedings from CANMET/ACI Conference on Durability of Concrete, Barcelona, June 4-9 2000.
Durability of Resource Saving "Green" Types of Concrete, Jepsen, M. T., Munch-Petersen, Chr., Danish Technological Institute, Bager, D., Cement and Concrete Laboratory, Aalborg Portland A/S, featured at the proceedings FIB-symposium "Concrete and environment" in Berlin October 2001.
Chloride migration Coefficients from non-steady-state migration experiments at Environment-Friendly "Green" Concrete, Edvardsen, Carola, COWI and Jepsen, Marianne Tange, Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from RILEM TC-178, workshop "Testing and modelling chloride ingress into concrete", September 2000.
'Green' concrete in Denmark, Glavind, M. and Munch-Petersen, Chr., Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, published in Structural Concrete, Journal of the fib , Volume 1, No. 1, March 2000, page 19-25.
Danish Centre for Green Concrete, Damtoft, Jesper Sand, Aalborg Portland A/S, Glavind, M. and Berrig, A., Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, published in proceedings from Nordic Concrete Research XVIIth Symposium, Reykjavik, August 1999.
Concrete with Inorganic Residual Products, Glavind, M., Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, Bager, Dirch, Aalborg Portland, Larsen, Freddie, Unicon Beton A/S, Boy, Ronny, AB Sydsten, published in proceedings from Nordic Concrete Research XVIIth Symposium, Reykjavik, August 1999.
Ressource Saving Concrete Structures - the need for New Technology, Munch-Petersen, Chr., Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, published in conference proceedings from the Nordic Concrete Research XVIIth Symposium, Reykjavik, August 1999.
Future Aspects for the Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Denmark, Glavind, M. and Haugaard, M., Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, published in confeence proceedings from the International Symposium Sustainable Construction: Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate, Concrete Technology Unit, University of Dundee, November 1998.
Green concrete for the future, Glavind, M., Munch-Petersen, Chr., Berrig, A. and Petersen, Erik Steen, Concrete Centre, Danish Technological Institute, Damtoft, Jesper S., Aalborg-Portland A/S, in compilation of the papers from CANMET/ACI International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Cement and Concrete Industry, October 1998.
Limits of spalling of fire-exposed concrete. Hertz, K. Fire Safety Journal Vol. 38, Issue 2, 2003 pp. 103-116.